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Notice Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality on Soliciting Annual Activity Plans for Urban Green Low-Carbon Scenario Demonstration Bases for the 2022 Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutra

Release time:2022 - 11 - 28 Views:481

With the approval of the municipal government, the 2022 Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Forum and the 10th Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum will be held in December 2022. This forum is jointly guided by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Guangdong Provincial Government, organized by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, and co-hosted by the Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, the Shenzhen Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, Authority of Longgang District, and other departments. According to the “2022 Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Forum and the 10th Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum Work Plan” , in order to effectively promote the development of the low-carbon industry, this forum is planning to carry out activities related to green and low-carbon scenario application demonstration bases in fields such as energy, industry, construction, transportation, and the development of “Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality” industries. We are now openly soliciting annual activity plans for urban green low-carbon scenario demonstration bases from the public. The relevant details are as follows,


1.Objective of Solicitation:


We are seeking annual activity proposals for urban green low carbon scene demonstration bases that can demonstrate substantial economic, social, and ecological benefits in the fields of clean energy, industrial energy efficiency, green transportation, green buildings, and low carbon technologies, with a strong emphasis on demonstrative impact.


2. Criteria for Application


(1) The applicants include government departments, enterprises, institutions, research organizations, universities, and social organizations across society that are committed to the transformation of low-carbon and green development and have a certain level of visibility and influence in their respective fields. Applicants should have independent legal personality, with no significant record of serious violations of laws or regulations in the past three years, no adverse integrity records, and possess the basic venues, facilities, equipment, financial support, and relevant management systems required for conducting green and low-carbon related activities. They should also be able to assign full-time staff responsible for conducting activities related to the demonstration bases.


(2) Application scenarios include, but are not limited to, the fields of energy, industry, transportation, construction, finance, and more.


(3) A total of at least 8 activities organized around the application field should be carried out, including but not limited to professional seminars, industry cooperation, investment roadshows, international exchanges, and science popularization experiences. These activities should take place from October 2022 to September 2023.


III. Application Period


September 30, 2022 - October 16, 2023


IV. Application Method


Applying entities are required to complete the “Annual Activity Proposal Application Form for Urban Green low carbon Scene Demonstration Bases” according to the provided guidelines and submit it to the email address with the name “Application Unit + Demonstration Base” for uniform identification. Please submit relevant reports, promotional materials, certificates, videos, or other supporting documents if any.


V. Expert Evaluation


After the application period ends, the commission will organize experts to evaluate the activity proposals submitted by the applying entities. A list of selected urban green low carbon scene demonstration bases will be prepared, and the results will be publicly announced on the commission's official website.


VI. Results Announcement and Activity Implementation


Based on the publicized results, the commission will confirm the list of selected demonstration bases and officially bestow upon them the title of “The 10th Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum Urban Green low carbon Scene Demonstration Base”. The demonstration bases will execute the relevant organizational and implementation work as per their submitted activity proposals timely and orderly.


VII. Contact Information


Contact: Fan Ziwei, Chen Ningning

Tel: 13609629839、88128525

IMG_256 Application form for annual activity proposal of Urban Green low carbon Scene Demonstration Base.doc