Supporting activities

Public Notice from the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission Regarding the Review Results of the Annual Activity Plan for the 2023 Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum Urban Green and Low Carbon Scenario Demonstration Base

source:Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission Release time:2022 - 11 - 28

To all relevant units:

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice from the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission on Soliciting Proposals for the Annual Activity Plan for the Urban Green and Low Carbon Scenario Demonstration Base of the 2023 Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum, our committee organized experts to conduct a review of the annual activity plan for the Urban Green and Low Carbon Scenario Demonstration Base. Through procedures such as voluntary application, material review, and expert evaluation, it is proposed to designate 12 declared bases including the Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Engineering Demonstration Project, the China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Base, a Near-Zero Carbon Emission Park, and the Yijing Kindergarten of Luohu District, Shenzhen as the list of demonstration bases for the urban green and low carbon scenario demonstration zone of the 2023 Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum. The list is now published according to the procedure.



Declared Enterprise

Declaration Scene/Base Name


Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone China Resources Power Co., Ltd.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Engineering Demonstration Project


China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Base, a Near-Zero Carbon Emission Park


 Yijing Kindergarten of Luohu District, Shenzhen

Yijing Kindergarten of Luohu District, Shenzhen


Deeprock Net Zero Technology Co., Ltd

BIOSPHERE 3 · Dameisha Vanke Center


Shenzhen Haylion Technology Co., Ltd. 

SCPG Haylion Comprehensive Supercharging Experience Center for New Energy Vehicles



Longgang Energy ecological Park


Towngas Energy

Luohu Zhihui Square Near-Zero Carbon Emission Building Pilot Project


Shenzhen Water and Environment Group Co., Ltd.

Futian Wastetwater Purification Plant


 Shenzhen Jintian Primary School

 Shenzhen Jintian Primary School


Shenzhen Esin Technology Inc., Ltd.

Baiwangxin Intelligent Computing Center


Shenzhen Skyworth Maker Development Co.,LTD

Skyworth Maker World Science and Technology City


Shenzhen gas clean energy CO.,LTD

Shenzhen North Station Integrated Transportation Hub Photovoltaic Storage Integration Demonstration Project


Any unit or individual who has objections to the projects announced should, within 5 days from the date of the announcement, submit in writing the relevant details and supporting materials (please provide contact address and contact information) to our committee. For objections raised by units, the official seal of the unit should be stamped on the objection material; for objections raised by individuals, the individual should sign their real name on the objection material (printed names will not be accepted). Our committee will keep the identity of the objector and the content of the feedback confidential. To ensure that objections are handled objectively, fairly, and justly, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the candidate units, any objections submitted anonymously will not be accepted by our committee.


Contact Person and Phone Number: WANG Wenchao, 88125735

Address: Room C3119, Civic Center, Fuzhong San Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Postal Code: 518055


Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission

November 20, 2023