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The Third Session

Release time:2023 - 10 - 14 Views:503

The Third Session

On the morning of June 17, 2015, the opening ceremony of the 3rd Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum was held in Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Convention and Exhibition Center. With the theme of “Green and Low Carbon Urban Transformation”, the forum consisted of the main forum and 13 sub-forums, bringing together more than 1,500 city managers, industry representatives, experts and scholars from more than 50 countries and regions. It aimed to exchange ideas, thoughts and insights on how cities at home and abroad are coping with climate change and practicing low-carbon and green development, discuss the views of experts from domestic and foreign think-tanks on climate change and environmental pollution treatment, and share the successful experiences of famous entrepreneurs in realizing green transformation in the face of opportunities and challenges, which was a powerful complement to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.


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At the Green Innovation Forum & Low-Carbon Maker Valley Unveiling Ceremony, Yang Zhiyong, the representative of the International Creative Industries Alliance, the Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of the China Creative Industry Alliance, and the Executive Director of the Traditional Culture Media Center of the Ministry of Culture, gave a wonderful speech on the current situation and development trend of international and China’s creative industries.


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The 3rd Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum supporting exhibitions and displays included the Green Development Achievements Exhibition, Low Carbon Technology Exhibition, Climate Change Theme Exhibition and Low Carbon City Building and Life Solutions Exhibition of Shenzhen International Low Carbon City, with a total exhibition area of about 2,500 square metres and more than 5,000 attendances. Ma Xingrui, then Deputy Secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and other leaders visited the exhibitions.


The 2015 China (Shenzhen) Handle Climate Change Film Festival (HCCFF) was the first public service film and TV event with the theme of addressing climate change in China. As a demonstration of China’s environmental protection, the video “Greenway” was themed by the 2,400-kilometre-long greenway in Shenzhen, showing that China was taking action to address climate change.


On June 17, Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Xu Qin, Mayor of Shenzhen, and Yang Liwei, Deputy Director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office, witnessed the launching ceremony of the “Interplanetary Green Voyage I - 4-Person & 180-Day Confined Ecological Cycling System Verification Test”.
